新村则人设计作品集 (日)新村则人 著、绘 深圳市插画协会 译
ISBN: 9787559843265


定  价:198.00

责  编:唐燕,汪娟
所属板块: 艺术出版

图书分类: 艺术设计

读者对象: 大众读者,平面设计、摄影爱好者,良粉

上架建议: 设计作品集、摄影画册
装帧: 精装

开本: 8

字数: 286 (千字)

页数: 268
纸质书购买: 天猫 有赞

新村则人出生在一个小渔村,继承了渔民身上特有的敦厚,他常说他的设计灵感都是来源于生活,这跟家乡带给他的滋养是密不可分的。他常将作品第一时间拿给对设计一窍不通的父母过目,“若他们都能理解我作品的含义,那么我相信不分职业、不同种族的人都可以理解”, 这也造就了他简洁明了、贴近生活的作品风格。本书稿就是集合了新村则人从入行以来的精选作品图录,书稿中收录了他三个方面的作品,从森林、大海、设计三个主题来解构他的设计思想。可以说,人与自然的关系是他的设计中永恒不变的主题,这一点在这本作品集中随处可见。


新村则人,1960年生于日本,日本中生代设计大师,曾在Shin Matsunaga设计公司和I&S/BBDO广告公司任职,1995年创建Shinmura设计公司。主要服务于SHISEIDO(资生堂)旗下ELIXIR和INOUI ID两个品牌。


Walking in the Woods


P005~009?无印良品露营场 · 木片方块

P010~013?无印良品露营场 · 瓦楞纸板

P014~017?无印良品露营场 · Woodcut

P018~021?无印良品露营场 · 木纹

P022~025?无印良品露营场 · 纸版画

P026~028?无印良品露营场 · 被褥

P030~031?无印良品露营场 · 新芽

P032~035?无印良品露营场 · 四季之盒

P036~039?无印良品露营场 · 蓝印

P040~041?无印良品露营场 · 地面

P042~043?无印良品露营场 · 衬衫

P044~046?无印良品露营场 · 昆虫

P047?无印良品露营场 · 野草

P048~051?无印良品露营场 · 花

P052~055?无印良品露营场 · 云

P056~059?无印良品露营场 · 树皮

P060~063?无印良品露营场 · 叶拓

P064~065?无印良品露营场 · 绿色的微笑

P066?无印良品露营场 · 四季

P067?无印良品露营场 · 树上的昆虫

P068~071?森林文化协会 · 森林保护


P078~081?RISO KAGAKU · 理想科学工业




P086?WWF · 森林破坏


P088~089?新潟县 · 21世纪:种“木”百年

P090~093?竹尾纸业 · 办公日记簿

P094~095?JAGDA · 日本平面设计





P102~105 新村水产 · 渔网

P106~109 新村水产 · 水滴

P110~113 新村水产 · 岛上的四季

P114~117 新村水产 · 标签

P118~120 新村水产 · 丰收之舞

P122~123 新村水产 · 鲜鱼竞赛

P124~127 新村水产 · 渔夫

P128~129 新村水产 · 游动的汉字

P130~133 新村水产 · 诞生

P135~137 新村水产 · 波纹

P138~139 新村水产 · 海参

P140~141 新村水产 · 鱼篓

P142~147 浮岛鱼协 · 大渔旗

P148~151 地球暖化

P152~157 山口县渔联

P158~159 ggg · “ 海和山和新村则人 ” 展

P160~161 大岛 360 度

P164~166 下关琵琶鱼

P167 笠间烧

P168~171 新村水产 · 鱼袋

P172~173 Oisea 食品 · 藻

P174 ggg · 章鱼人

Living in the City


P180~185 资生堂 · INOUI ID

P186~187 资生堂 · ELIXIR

P188~189 妆美堂 · 熊野笔

P190~193 艺团协 · NOBODY KNOWS

P194~201 角川书店 · 野性时代

P202~205 东京交响乐团 · 70 周年纪念

P206~211 Graphic Trial

P212~219 无印良品 · BGM

P220~223 无印良品 · 印花 T 恤

P224~227 无印良品 · 刺绣

P228~233 无印良品 · ATELIER MUJI

P234 无印良品 · FUKU-FUKU 项目

P235 无印良品 · PLA-PLUS 项目

P236~237 东北振兴应援计划

P238~239 足立学园 · 建校 50 周年

P240~241 有机农场

P242~243 西友 · 大米促销

P244~247 新村则人设计展

P248~249 新村则人 · 工作坊

Commentary on Works


About Norito Shinmura







无印良品露营地 露营场开业一年前也就是1994年的冬天在同事的邀请下我们去露营在积雪未融的原野上支起了帐篷我们不仅感受到了在冬天露营的快乐更是体会到:一个露营地所必须的并非多么丰富的设施或者多么新的设备而是能够感受最原始的自然这就是无印良品露营地的概念也是至今为止的海报设计所贯彻的理念那之后我一直在创作无印良品露营地的海报它们并不是那种很时尚的风格甚至或许有点过于简单了但我认为这是在一个只有山和海的小岛上长大的我才能做到的、朴素却又温馨的风格或许因为这样我才能够坚持这份工作20年以上


A year before the MUJI Campground(Campsite) opened, in the winter of 1994, at the invitation of our colleagues, we went camping and set up our tents in the fields where the snow had not melted. We not only felt the joy of camping in winter, but also realized that what is necessary for a camping site isn't the well-equipped facilities or the new equipment, but the ability to feel the nature. This is the concept of MUJI Campground, and it is also the idea behind the poster design to this day. I've been working on MUJI Campground posters since then, and they're not very fashionable, perhaps too simple. However, I think such a simple but warm style can only be created by someone like me who growing up on a small island with only mountains and sea. Perhaps that's why I've been able to stick with this job for more than 20 years.

Influenced by my father, I have been very fond of plants since childhood, and I used to walk and pick plants in the nearby forest. There are wild strawberries and cherries in spring, loquats and figs in summer, akebia and wild grapes in autumn. My favorite thing was to pick the fruits and eat them while looking for plants. As an adult, I was introduced to working in MUJI Campground and started picking plants again. Sometimes I used them to do flower printing, sometimes made blue printing, and published a lot of designs with plants.


我的父亲是个渔夫。我是兄弟八人里面最小的。我出生在5月5日端午节的时候。我出生的地方是濑户内海上一座海岸线长八千米、人口只有200人的小岛。岛上没有派出所,也没有医院,只有两间小小的店铺。小时候,我总是在海里和山间游玩,会潜到水下采海螺,会在小舟上钓鱼,特别快乐。在这样一个小岛上生活,本来我和设计是八竿子打不着的。改变了我的是小学时候的一位美术老师。我在他的课上学会了怎样做海报,自那以后我便沉迷于做海报,在12岁的时候下决心要成为设计师。我兴致勃勃地来到了专门学校,却发现自己在感性方面不如在大城市长大的其他同学,所以那时候我是班里成绩比较靠后的。我想,“毕竟我是渔夫的孩子,没办法嘛”, 30岁以前我都很没有自信。但自从为“新村水产”创作后,我终于开始追求属于自己的风格。再之后由于无印良品露营地的工作,所以有机会创作了许多以自然为主题的作品。我想,这是只有我才可以做出来的风格,至少这方面我是不输他人的。那就是在自然的熏陶下,我对自然美的感性。

My father is a fisherman. I am the youngest of my eight brothers. I was born on a small island with a coastline of 8 kilometers and a population of only 200 people in Seto Naikai on the Dragon Boat Festival on May 5th. The island has no police station or hospital, with only two small shops. When I was a child, I always played in the sea and mountains. I would dive under the water to pick conch and fish in the boat. I was very happy at that time. Living on such a small island, I would have been totally out of touch with design, but an art teacher in primary school changed my life. I learned how to make posters in his class. Since then, I've been obsessed with making posters and decided to be a designer at the age of 12. I went to specialized school happily, but found that I was not as emotional as my peers who had grown up in the big city, so I was at the bottom of my class. I thought, "I'm a fisherman's child. I am not that excellent." I was not confident until I was 30. Since I created for "Shinmura Fisheries", I finally began to pursue my own style. Later, because I worked in MUJI Campground, I had the opportunity to create a lot of nature-themed works. I think, such style could only be created by me, at least in this aspect I am equal to others. It is my sensibility to the beauty of nature under the influence of nature.



I live by the river near Tokyo Bay. I usually walk to work and like to enjoy the flowers along the road and the new sprout on the spring branches. As soon as I see plants, I am full of creative power. Now I am very familiar with what kind of plants growing in the place near my home. I also like to watch the fishing boats sailing from the river to Tokyo Bay. When I look at the fishing boats from the bridge and the waves and splashes behind them, they remind me of home and heal me. The streets of Tokyo are full of charm. Both fashion and art are very trendy, which greatly stimulate my sensibility. Living in a city like this will let me want to keep my love for nature. I want the beautiful nature to exist all the time. When we climb the mountain, we will be moved by the beauty of the ridge. Seeing the colors of the sky and the flowing clouds at dusk, we will marvel at the magnificence of the earth. Seeing plants growing under the sun, we will marvel at the attainments of nature. However, such beautiful nature is gradually destroyed, the earth issued a cry of sorrow. Also, as a self-reflection, I want to appeal to people to care for the environment of the earth through the design. I want to make simple and understandable design so that I could get this message across to everyone, from children to grandfathers and grandmothers.

会员家.png 书天堂.png 天猫旗舰店.png
会员家 书天堂 天猫旗舰店
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